So seeing as how it has been a long, long time since I posted, here are some pictures from the last two months of my Samoan life.

A NZ Air Force helicopter landed in our rugby field yesterday. I couldn't find out why.

PCVs AJ and Paul, and Taylor! She made BBQ chicken pizza and it was delicious.

Late one night I was gifted with a wheelbarrow full of bananas from a small boy. Again, I don't know why.

PCVs AJ, Paul, and I making my backyard look nice by burning some rubbish.

Taylor and I in our church clothes. All white is all the fashion.

Supy and I hanging out on the new bridge at the waterfall.

Taylor and I spending some time in a faleo'o.

My freezer periodically ices over (read: every week). I have to take a knife and hack out all the extra ice.

UNC won the NCAA basketball tournment!

I have crabs. They are all over my backyard, and my frontyard. And they are constantly digging holes which I trip over and in. They piss me off. So one day I threw my machete at one sitting on top of its precious hole and chopped two arms/legs off. Take that.

I discovered an absolutely HUGE anthill underneath my living room floor which I proceeded to nuke after getting over my fear of it.
If pictures are worth a thousand words then that's a 11,000 word blog entry I just typed. Not bad, not bad at all. I'll try and keep them coming more regularly.